Company Name
タピロ Studio Tapiro
Founded in
Established in 1979, the founders, Enrico Camplani and Gianluigi Pescolderung were both born in 1953. For architecture , the both graduated from the Venice University of Architecture and for art, they also both majored in visual design at the International University of Art. The studio's activities take place within Italy and abroad and cover everything from image coordination to various design systems, exhibition design, image editing, poster design and illustrations.
Source: "ginza graphic gallery 2002"
Activities at ddd
Approximately 28 years since establishment (2007)
Participated in EXHIBITIONS: Graphic Messages from ggg & ddd 1986-2006 as Featured Designer.
Approximately 23 years since establishment (2002)
Participated in Studio Tapiro Exhibition: Posters for the Venice Biennale as Featured Designer, and Poster Designer.