Company Name
グラフィック・ソート・ファシリティ Graphic Thought Facility (GTF)
Founded in
UK / London
Established in 1990 by Paul Neale and Andrew Stevens, both born in 1966. Since then they have added other young members to form their current staff of three partners, three designers, and a studio manager. GTF is involved in a variety of national and international projects for both public and private clients, and one of the group's features is the wide range of genres in which it works, without being attached to any particular one.
Source: "2006 GRAPHIC DESIGN ANNUAL DNP ginza graphic gallery ・ddd gallery"
Activities at ddd
Approximately 17 years since establishment (2007)
Participated in EXHIBITIONS: Graphic Messages from ggg & ddd 1986-2006 as Featured Designer.
Approximately 16 years since establishment (2006)
Participated in Graphic Thought Facility Exhibition: GTF/50 Projects as Featured Designer, and Poster Designer.