This exhibition introduced GTF’s 50 projects. GTF is one of the hottest design companies in London at the moment. Their activities are not limited to posters, editorial work, and corporate identities. This exhibited posters and programs for each season for the Globe (Shakespeare's theatre) and the significant number of three-dimensional projects such as exhibition graphics and product development that includes the MeBox, which is also highly popular in Japan that GTF has taken on particularly since the late 1990s.
Exhibition Name
Graphic Thought Facility Exhibition: GTF/50 Projects
February 04, 2006–March 13, 2006
Exhibition Type
ddd exhibition
ddd Dojima, Osaka
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
February 14, 2006
Gallery Talk
Dojima Axis Building- Participants: Paul NEALE、Andrew STEVENS、Hugh MORGAN