The ADC (Tokyo Art Directors Club), founded in 1952, has continued to be a major force in the Japanese advertising and design worlds. Over a period of 4 days, 89 ADC members judged roughly 9,300 entries that were production between Mat 2003 and April 2004. The works covered a variety of fields, including posters, newspaper and magazine ads, book and editorial designs, general publications, CI logos and TV commercials. The award-winning works and other outstanding entries by ADC members and non-members were displayed.
Exhibition Name
2004 Tokyo Art Directors Club Exhibition
August 04, 2004–September 07, 2004
Exhibition Type
Traveling exhibition from ggg to ddd
ddd Dojima, Osaka
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
Gallery Talk
- Participants: HOSOYA Gan、AOBA Masuteru、NAKASHIMA Shobun