Finnish graphics are getting worldwide attention. Kari Piippo is one of their representative designers. There are only 2 or 3 colors but their sensual tones seduce viewers and never deceive them. By brilliantly suppressing them, they are cleverly emphasized. The many works exhibited bring home his philosophy that "a good poster is simple, strong and sharp." 48 works including poster designs and works for theaters and cultural events were shown.
Exhibition Name
Kari Piippo Exhibition: Simple, Strong, and Sharp
June 24, 1996–July 17, 1996
Exhibition Type
ddd exhibition
ddd Dojima, Osaka
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
June 24, 1996
Gallery Talk ”The Art of Scarcity”- Speaker: Kari PIIPPO
He began his talk with slides showing his home and studio in Mikkeli, the town he currently lives in Finland. In introducing his last work he said, "nothing unnecessary is included but everything necessary is included." The hall was filled with great applause.
Photographer: OKUWAKI Koichi