ddd 047

Werner Jeker Exhibition

  • "Like an animal in heat, I put up signs marking out my territory." A provocative comment by Werner Jeker, the poster designer based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Why is he still in posters with the drastic transformation of visual communication media today? Why are they the preferred medium of designers? Why do they have such an important position in international competitions? Simple, monochromatic photographs and orthodox type. But he responds with something magical that goes beyond that. An overview, starting with large ”Swiss-sized" posters and including clocks and perfume, of his dynamic, creative work that goes beyond graphics was shown.

  • ID


  • Exhibition Name

    Werner Jeker Exhibition

  • Period

    March 22, 1996–April 16, 1996

  • Exhibition Type

    ddd exhibition

  • Venue

    ddd Dojima, Osaka

  • Featured Designers

  • Poster Designers

  • Gallery Talk "Werner Jeker's Graphic Design"

    His wide range of creative activities from clocks to train designs were introduced with slides.


Photographer: OKUWAKI Koichi

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