高橋 善丸 たかはし よしまる TAKAHASHI Yoshimaru
Company Name
株式会社広告丸 Kokokumaru Inc.
Job Title
Graphic Desginer
Head of Kokokumaru Inc, professor at Osaka University of the Arts, Chairman of the Japan Typography Association. Publications include_Kokochi ii moji_ (The pleasure of typography), Kokochi ii hon (The pleasure of book design) (Pie International), Aimai na komyunikeshon (Fuzzy communication) (Museum of Arts & Crafts, Hamburg), and others.
Source: "ddd DATABASE" Handout
Born in Toyama Prefecture. Yoshimaru Takahashi bases his artistic expression on the contention that graphic design is itself culture that speaks for its times, and he pursues richly endowed visual communication expression. He is president of Kokokumaru Inc.
Source: "Graphic Art & Design Annual 08-09"
Activities at ddd
Approximately 70 years old (2022)
Participated in ddd DATABASE 1991-2022 as Contributor.
Approximately 59 years old (2011)
Participated in Shueitai 100 as Featured Designer, and Gallery Talk Participants.
Approximately 56 years old (2008)
Participated in Truth And / Or Virtue: Graphic Designs by Shinnoske Sugisaki and Yoshimaru Takahashi as Featured Designer, Poster Designer, and Gallery Talk Participants.