ジョナサン バーンブルック Jonathan BARNBROOK
Company Name
Barnbrook design Barnbrook design
Job Title
Graphic Designer, Typographer
UK / London
Started heading the design team, Barnbrook Design, from 1990. In Japan, he made corporate identities for Roppongi Hills and Mori Art Museum. His London office engages in a number of diverse international projects and has become well known amongst other things for his book collaborations with he leading artist, Damian Hirst, and his anti-advertising work with leading international activists 'adbusters." He has won many awards. Currently Barnbrook Design is involved in taking their message 'out of the studio' by putting their political work up in the city streets and exhibiting non-commercial projects in galleries worldwide.
Source: "2004 GRAPHIC DESIGN ANNUAL DNP ginza graphic gallery・ddd gallery"