In 2016 Kyoto University of Art & Design, in cooperation with the DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion, carried out a joint creative project seeking new discoveries that diverge from the techniques and modes of expression of conventional printing. The students who participated treaded back and forth between the present and past as they relate to printing and carved lettering in a quest for graphic design of the future, looking for new discoveries. In thinking about the future, rather than focusing on what is yet to come on distant horizons (post), thinking about what has come before (past) offers somewhat greater possibilities. This is the challenge posed by creativity, taking the baton of what has been in the past and passing it on to the future. In this way, this was an exhibition reflecting the students' simultaneous gaze upon the past and the future.
Exhibition Name
Kyoto University of Art & Design Project Center and kyoto ddd gallery Collaboration Exhibition experimental studies post past
December 14, 2016–December 24, 2016
Exhibition Type
ddd exhibition
ddd Uzumasa, Kyoto
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
December 14, 2016
Special Talk
kyoto ddd gallery- Speaker: FUJIMOTO Yukio
This was event that clarified what 13 students in the project classes were thinking and feeling when they created their works. It was based on the overriding theme of the project-oriented classes, which was to think about the past as useful way of thinking about the future. Yusuke Mimasu and Lyota Yagi, who led the project classes, served in the role of navigators. In the gallery, media now relegated to the past-movable type, for example-that had been used as references by the students were displayed on two tables, which they had made using everday materials, etc. depth was added to the exhibition through interesting commentary offered by Mr. Fujimoto, intertwined with his own experience to date with the individual works. The final project report, which is to include outstanding passages written by participating students from the university's Department of Creative Writing, was shown as a panel display.
Photographer: YOSHIDA Akihito