Since its founding in 1952, the Tokyo Art Directors Club (ADC) has continuously undertaken activities to promote advertising and design in Japan. The Tokyo ADC Awards garner attention as one of the highest honors presented in Japan's advertising and design fields each year. The 2011 award winners were chosen, by 76 members, from roughly 8,500 entries in numerous genres released between May 2010 and April 2011. The award-winning and other outstanding works were shown. Together they offered visitors a rich panorama of the year's most brilliant achievements in graphics and advertising.
Exhibition Name
2011 Tokyo Art Directors Club Exhibition
September 14, 2011–October 27, 2011
Exhibition Type
Traveling exhibition from ggg to ddd
ddd Namba, Osaka
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
Gallery Talk
Namba SS Building- Speaker: SASAKI Hiroshi