Masuteru Aoba constantly views society with a fiercely critical gaze, questioning the world through his outstanding peace posters and using design to sound a warning bell on environmental issues. The exhibition, which had the same theme as his lifework "ecology and peace," was a graphic message exhibition taking images of familiar flowers and leaves, mysterious forms that appear on street-corner walls and telephone poles where notices peeled or weathered away, and letters and images from discarded newspapers and magazine as motifs. All the posters were completely new, directly addressing contemporary environmental problems such as global warming and energy and food issues. It also introduced Aoba's art in the form of his massive oeuvre of objects and drawings on animal and human motifs, which he continued to produce for many years.
Exhibition Name
AOBA SHOW: Masuteru Aoba One-Man Show
October 17, 2008–November 15, 2008
Exhibition Type
Traveling exhibition from ggg to ddd
ddd Namba, Osaka
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
October 17, 2008
Gallery Talk
Namba SS Building- Speaker: AOBA Masuteru
Photographer: OKUWAKI Koichi