Situated at the juncture between East and West, Asia and Europe, Turkey is where Eastern and Western cultures cross. From the many by this artist, who from his base in Turley's works world-wide, the exhibition centered around a poster entitled "Journeys and Ritual" and book designs.
Exhibition Name
Sadik Karamustafa Exhibition: Journeys and Rituals
October 22, 2002–November 20, 2002
Exhibition Type
Traveling exhibition from ddd to ggg
ddd Dojima, Osaka
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
October 22, 2002
Gallery Talk
9F Conference Room, Dojima Axis Building- Speaker: Sadik KARAMUSTAFA
In the Gallery Talk, the artist talked about the transition from Arabic to Roman writing, interesting Turkish history and his own philosophy about designing.
Photographer: OKUWAKI Koichi