In these times when we are flooded with information, Woody Pirtle raises the issue of a designer's responsibility. His philosophy in designing is "the maximum in messages and the minimum in measures." A crystallization of Partle’s philosophy was shown with identity designs that convey original corporate messages, simple logotypes and annual reports from even before he joined Pentagram. A video showing his office and its surroundings also drew attention.
Exhibition Name
Woody Pirtle Exhibition: Maximum Message Minimum Means
November 26, 1996–December 26, 1996
Exhibition Type
ddd exhibition
ddd Dojima, Osaka
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
- Speaker: Woody PIRTLE
He began by showing his family pictures when he was young before taking about his works. "No one care more about his appearance than me and I got saddled with thee fate if becoming a designer," he said making the hall rear.
Photographer: OKUWAKI Koichi