ddd 162

NOW UPDATING...Interactive Design of THA / Yugo Nakamura

  • At THA/Yugo Nakamura's very first exhibition, visitors were synchronously introduced to a variety of programs: from their previous work done, among others, for NEC "ecotonoha," amana "fotologue," SAMURAI, Uniqlo USA, SoftBank, MoMA, and the image bookmark service "FFFFOUND!" to studies, original works prepared for the exhibition, and prototypes for future projects. In the process, they were given a sense of the fascination and appeal of interactive design that links visitors, moment by moment, with their counterparts worldwide.

  • ID


  • Exhibition Name

    NOW UPDATING...Interactive Design of THA / Yugo Nakamura

  • Period

    August 05, 2008–August 28, 2008

  • Exhibition Type

    Simultaneous exhibition at ddd and ggg

  • Venue

    ddd Namba, Osaka

  • Featured Designers

  • Poster Designers

  • August 08, 2008
    Gallery Talk
    Namba SS Building


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