The Tokyo ADC (Art Directors Club), founded in 1952, has continued to act as a driving force in the Japanese advertising and design world. ADC Award winners have been selected through rigorous judging process by the 86 members of the Tokyo ADC from around 10,000 submissions in a diverse range of fields encompassing posters, newspaper and magazine advertisements, book and editorial design, general graphics, corporate identity, symbols and logos, and TV commercials produced between May 2005 and April 2006. The award-winning works and other outstanding entries by Tokyo ADC members and non-members were displayed.
Exhibition Name
2006 Tokyo ADC Exhibition
August 04, 2006–August 31, 2006
Exhibition Type
Traveling exhibition from ggg to ddd
ddd Dojima, Osaka
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
Gallery Talk
- Participants: SOEDA Takayuki、TOMARI L.A.、MATSUKI Keizo