Exhibited poster for each season of the Orleans national theater center and original artwork, in addition to various objects which can also be said to be the fountainhead for their unique visuals and an idea sketchbook for the CDN posters for each season as highly interesting contents for an exhibition. Moreover, a photo booth was installed in the center of the exhibition's floor for the experimental "Schizo Symmetrical Portrait" project with symmetrical portraits from the left and right. 145 persons participated in this project during the exhibition.
Exhibition Name
Laboratoires CCCP = Dr. Peche + Melle Rose Exhibition
July 01, 2005–July 29, 2005
Exhibition Type
Traveling exhibition from ddd to ggg
ddd Dojima, Osaka
Featured Designers
Poster Designers
July 01, 2005
Gallery Talk
9F Conference Room, Dojima Axis Building